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“Con Macri, el que apueste al peso va a ganar”, dijo Rogelio Frigerio en 2015

En esos días, propuso crear billetes de $500 y prometió un "INDEC transparente"
En esos días, propuso crear billetes de $500 y prometió un "INDEC transparente"

En 2015, el entonces asesor económico de Mauricio Macri, Rogelio Frigerio, aseguró que hay que "reconocer la inflación" para poder combatirla y así "poder parecerse a países de la región".


En este sentido, propuso hacer billetes de $500 y prometió un "INDEC trasparente" para medir las cifras oficiales. "Con Mauricio Macri, el que apuesta al peso va a ganar", estableció.

Además, el hoy ministro del Interior se comprometió a eliminar el cepo al dólar "cuanto antes" porque estableció que es la única forma de volver a crecer y "tener un rol en el mundo". En esta misma línea, la entrada de divisas extranjeras estaría garantizada por "incentivar las exportaciones" y al sector agropecuario.

Por último, hizo referencia al cuestionado Fútbol para Todos que se emite en la televisión pública: "¿Por qué el fútbol para todos lo tiene que financiar el Estado? Nosotros vamos a mantener el fútbol, pero vamos a incorporar publicidad privada", explicó.

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  1. While the escort experience can be intriguing, remember that Lahore is bursting with activities and spots to explore. Whether it’s the stunning Badshahi Mosque, the vibrant streets of the old city, or the shopping experience at Liberty Market, there’s so much more to see and do. Pair your escort experience with some local sightseeing, and you’ll truly have a unique trip.

  2. Lahore, the heart of Pakistan, is renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture. As one of the country’s largest cities, it serves as a melting pot of traditions and modernity

  3. Lahore, the heart of Pakistan, is renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture. As one of the country’s largest cities, it serves as a melting pot of traditions and modernity.

  4. It's interesting to see del Interior's commitment to removing the dollar clamp as a means to stimulate growth. However, it seems crucial to also address domestic challenges. Perhaps fostering a stable economic environment could be likened to playing the Bad Parenting game—where making the right decisions upfront leads to long-term benefits. It's essential that any measures taken also consider the overall well-being of the population.

  5. It’s interesting to see how economic predictions can change over time. The optimism expressed by Frigerio in 2015 contrasts sharply with today’s reality, showing the unpredictability of markets. Similarly, players in the Infinite Craft game must adapt their strategies in response to the evolving environment, making each decision crucial for success. What are your thoughts on the current state of the peso?

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